Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614
Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632
Measures | Sources – Voices | Variants | ||
53 | AnGa-1603 – A |
sharp missing on f3 |
69 |
color of the three blackened M, with a "3" after the first one |
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
8 | vendetta | |
8 | poi | |
14 | son | |
15 | sospir'il |
Deh, Tirsi, Tirsi, anima mia, perdona / Che se tu se’ ’l cor mio
Battista Guarini, Il pastor fido, III, 4, 539–555
Madrigal: Mostly unrhymed eleven- and seven-syllable lines (endecasillabi e settenari sciolti), with concluding rhyming couplets.
(Prima parte) | ||
Deh, Tirsi, Tirsi, anima mia, perdona | Pray, Thyrsis, Thyrsis, my soul, forgive her | |
A chi t’è cruda sol dove pietosa | who is merciless to you only | |
Esser non può; perdona a questa solo | when she cannot be compassionate; forgive her, | |
Nei detti e nel sembiante | only in her words and countenance | |
5 | Rigida tua nemica, ma nel core | your harsh enemy, but in her heart |
Pietosissima amante; | your most tender lover; | |
E se pur hai desio di vendicarti, | and even if you wish to revenge yourself, | |
Deh, qual vendett’aver puoi tu maggiore | alas, what greater revenge can you take | |
Del tuo proprio dolore? | than your own suffering? | |
(Seconda parte) | ||
10 | Che se tu se’ ’l cor mio, | For, if you are my heart, |
Come se’ pur mal grado | as you are, in spite of heaven and earth, | |
Del cielo e de la terra, | ||
Qualor piagni e sospiri, | whenever you weep and sigh, | |
Quelle lagrime tue sono il mio sangue, | those tears of yours are my blood, | |
15 | Que’ sospiri il mio spirto, e quelle pene | those sighs my spirit, and those pains |
E quel dolor che senti | and that sorrow that you feel | |
Son miei, non tuoi, tormenti. | are my, not your, torments. |
English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.
Battista Guarini, Il pastor fido, tragicommedia pastorale, Venice: G.B. Ciotti, 1602, 173–174.
The original incipit of this excerpt from Il pastor fido (“E tu, Mirtillo, anima mia, perdona”) has been modified to accommodate the name Tirsi. Furthermore, the 1602 edition of Il pastor fido has “vendetta aver” at line 8. On the problem of variants and adaptations in Marenzio’s settings from Il pastor fido, see Cecchi, “List of Secular and Devotional Compositions by Luca Marenzio,” 490, n. XLVI, and the literature quoted there.