Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614
Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632
Lines | Sources – Voices | Variants |
7 | Amor | |
7 | annid'altrove |
Or chi, Clori beata
Giovanni Battista Strozzi the Elder
Madrigal: aBaBbCC
Or chi, Clori beata, | Now who, blessed Chloris, | |
Il bell’oro t’increspa? La bell’ora. | curls your beautiful golden hair? The fair breeze. | |
E la guancia rosata | And who colors with such fresh roses | |
Chi di sì fresche rose ti colora? | your rosy cheek? | |
5 | Ogni mattin l’aurora. | The dawn, each morning. |
E chi gl’occhi t’accend’e chi gli move? | And who lights up your eyes and moves them? | |
Amore e ’l sol che non s’annida altrove. | Love and the sun, who does not nestle elsewhere. |
English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.
Giovanni Battista Strozzi, Madrigali, ed. Lorenzo and Filippo Strozzi, Florence: Sermatelli, 1593; Ghilranda [sic] dell’aurora, scelta di madrigali de’ più famosi autori di questo secolo, ed. Pietro Petracci, Venice: B. Giunti and G.B. Ciotti, 1609; Il gareggiamento poetico del Confuso Accademico Ordito. Madrigali amorosi gravi, e piacevoli ne’ quali si vede il bello, il leggiadro & il vivace de i più illustri poeti d’Italia, Venice: Barezzo Barezzi, 1611. See James Chater, “Family Matters: Music in the Life and Poetry of Giovambattista Strozzi the Elder”, in Perspectives on Luca Marenzio’s Secular Music, 75–140: 129.
The original incipit of Strozzi’s text (“Or chi, Filli beata,”) has been modified to accommodate the name Clori.