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Sources used for collation: AnGa-1594; AnGa-1603; Ma-Ga-1614

Other sources: Ka-1601; Ph-1609; Ph-heirs-1632

Measures Sources – Voices Variants





SM b2-SB b2-SM c3 instead of SM c3-SB b2-SM b2 (corrected based on the locus parallelus: T, 39-40)

60 Ma-Ga-1614 – B

a sharp (in the fourth space) is erroneously inserted before c2

AnGa-1594 – AnGa-1603 – Ma-Ga-1614 – SM b2-SB b2-SM c3 instead of SM c3-SB b2-SM b2 (corrected based on the locus parallelus: T, 39-40)
Ma-Ga-1614 – a sharp (in the fourth space) is erroneously inserted before c2
Lines Sources – Voices Variants

Ma-Ga-1614 – C2A2T2B2Q2


Ma-Ga-1614 – A1

mita instead of mia
addolcisci (Ma-Ga-1614 – C2A2T2B2Q2 )
mita instead of mia (Ma-Ga-1614 – A1 )

Edition and commentary

Anima cruda sì, ma però bella

Battista Guarini, Il pastor fido, IV, 9, 1254–1259

Four unrhymed hendecasyllables and a rhyming couplet of seven-syllable lines

Anima cruda sì, ma però bella,Ruthless but beautiful soul,
Non mi negar a l’ultimo sospirodo not deny me, at the last sigh,
Un tuo solo sospir. Beata morte,just one sigh of yours. What a blissful death,
Se l’addolcissi tu con questa solaif you would soften it
5Voce cortese e pia:with just these kind and generous words:
“Va’ in pace, anima mia!”“Go in peace, my soul”.

English translations of madrigal texts based with permission on those by Kathryn Bosi, The complete five voice madrigals: for mixed voices / IV, The sixth and seventh books. New York: Gaudia Music and Arts, 1996.

Contemporary editions

Battista Guarini, Il pastor fido, tragicommedia pastorale, Venice: G.B. Ciotti, 1602, 330.


The excerpt set by Marenzio is identical (except for some details in the punctuation) to the corresponding lines in the 1602 edition of Il pastor fido.