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Sources used for collation: Vi-1587; Am-1587; AnGa-1593; Sc-heir-1603; AnGa-1605

Other sources: Ph, 1594; Ka, 1608; Ph, 1610

Measures Sources – Voices Variants
1 Vi-1587 – A

mensuration sign missing

32 Sc-heir-1603 – S

d3 instead of c3

65 Am-1587 – C

SM instead of F

86-89 Vi-1587 – Q

SB rest, BR rest, SB rest (correct)

86-89 Am-1587 – Q

SB rest, BR rest, L rest (incorrect)

86-89 AnGa-1593 – Q

L rest, preceded by other erased rests (correct, but clearly derived from a correction of the Am, 1587 reading)





SB rest, BR rest, L rest (incorrect, derived from a copy of AnGa, 1593 without the correction)







a2 instead of g2

Vi-1587 – mensuration sign missing
Sc-heir-1603 – d3 instead of c3
Am-1587 – SM instead of F
Vi-1587 – SB rest, BR rest, SB rest (correct)
Am-1587 – SB rest, BR rest, L rest (incorrect)
AnGa-1593 – L rest, preceded by other erased rests (correct, but clearly derived from a correction of the Am, 1587 reading)
Sc-heir-1603 – AnGa-1605 – SB rest, BR rest, L rest (incorrect, derived from a copy of AnGa, 1593 without the correction)
Am-1587 – AnGa-1593 – Sc-heir-1603 – AnGa-1605 – a2 instead of g2
Lines Sources – Voices Variants

Sc-heir-1603 – C

col cote

Am-1587 – AQ

verdi anni

Am-1587 – CB

giù da gl’occhi il core

AnGa-1593 – CB

Sc-heir-1603 – CBS

AnGa-1605 – CBS

giù da gl’occh’il core
col cote (Sc-heir-1603 – C)
verdi anni (Am-1587 – AQ)
giù da gl’occhi il core (Am-1587 – CB)
giù da gl’occh’il core (AnGa-1593 – CB)
giù da gl’occh’il core (Sc-heir-1603 – CBS)
giù da gl’occh’il core (AnGa-1605 – CBS)

Edition and commentary

9. Caro Aminta, pur vuoi / Non può, Filli, più il core

Dialogic Madrigal: abbAcC bddBeE

Prima parte
Caro Aminta, pur vuoiDear Amynth, alas, you want to
Lasciar, ahimè, quel fioreabandon the flower that
Che tua Filli col coreyour Phyllis gave you with all her heart
Già ti donò ne’ più verd’anni suoi;in her youthful years;
5Né in questa dipartitanor in this departure tell her at least:
Dirli almen: “Resta in pace, a Dio mia vita”.“Remain in peace, farewell, my life.”.
Seconda parte (Riposta)
Non può, Filli, più il core.Phyllis, my heart can bear no more.
Mira pur tu l’effettoSee for yourself the effect
De l’ardente mio affettoof my ardent love
10Che si trabocca giù dagl’occhi fuore.which overflows from my eyes.
Sia voce il dolor mio,Let my suffering be my voice,
Egli in vece di me ti dica: “a Dio”. and utter in my place “farewell” to you.

The translations are partially indebited to the ones by Barbara Reynolds in Luca Marenzio, The Complete Six Voice Madrigals. Vol IV: The Fourth Book of Madrigal for Six Voices, ed. John Steele and Suzanne Court (New York: Gaudia, 2002).